Jenni & Lauri Luhta
Creating content-laden works of contemporary art in the age of digital immediacy
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(The Theology of Spring , Lauri Luhta, 2015)

Kevätteologia (The Theology of Spring) is a video of a live performance about a trip into the woods of Viikki, Helsinki, and the personal and spiritual discoveries that were made there on a March day at a specific location. An altar and a throne was found; a ladder to heaven was imagined; the soul of the artist's deceased grandmother was recalled, recaptured and regained. The shared experience of the performer and the photographer at the site was instantly translated, as it was being documented, into a narrative about common priesthood in the church of nature. The work was performed at the performance art festival Angakoq II at SIC, Helsinki, on Saturday 28 March 2015. Video was released afterwards in November 2016.