Jenni Luhdan Hyvän malli (Jenni Luhta's Model of the Good) is a contemporary art synthesis of key figures and teachings from Hellenistic civilization and Christian culture for the so-called "millennial" generation. The multi-part installation, which can be hung in a gallery or museum space, consists of six digital collages printed on canvas, video on a monitor, sound on stereo speakers and a "Christian" altar (altar table, cross, decorations, backcloth). The images and their spoken descriptions along with the the illustrative piano music compositions by Lauri Luhta build a visual and aural moral-historical arc that, starting from the ur-monsters of antiquity and continuing through other Greco-Roman figures, rises towards the icon of Christ and the altar table.
Hyvän malli was premiered at Sinne gallery in Helsinki from 2nd to 25th September 2016. A video documentary of the show was compiled and an artist interview moderated by curator Juha-Heikki Tihinen was recorded in connection with the exhibition.